1st Degree
Blessed BE!!!
My name is Krisgina here is just a little bit about myself. I am a single mother of 5 Amazing children ages 5, 9, 14, 18 and 20. My current profession is as a Bachelors of Science Degree Registered Nurse. I currently work for an LTC facility as an MDS Coordinator. I have worked in LTC facilities for many years to improve the quality of care our elderly population receives. My 2 oldest children serve in the military, both army one a reserve and heading to college and one career military.
I have always had an interest in spirituality. My mother was somewhat psychic but would relay stories through a Christian mindset and my Aunt began taking me to church at a very young age. My Aunt was quite Zealous in her beliefs of which I did not agree but highly respected her for living her beliefs and her passion for doing so no matter what others thought.
So what brought me to this spiritual path? I have been very interested in psychic abilities, spirits and the beyond since I was 10 years old and have always been sensitive to energy and had the gift to be able to connect and have an intuitive nature. I have always been interested in ancient civilizations. Egyptian, Inca, Aztec, etc. I then began reading about Salem and witchcraft but was living in a very Christian environment so I shelved my interest until I was about 28 years old. I began to learn healing energy techniques and obtained my Reiki level one and two and went to an in-depth healing touch seminar conducted over several months in a convent that encouraged the use of pendulums to detect energy blockages. I then studied massage and essential oils, crystals and tarot cards. I had absolutely no idea of what to read or study. Therefore, I began with books on Reiki, energy healing and personal growth. I was going to massage therapy school and connected with an individual who called himself a “witch” and was highly intrigued and wanted to know what was being a “witch”? I participated in a simple Samhain ritual not understanding the profound impact, even at the time of participation, that it would have on shaping my spiritual journey. When he moved to California he left me two of Scott Cunningham’s books that began my journey. In 2012 I read the books and searched out a pagan meet up group where I met B’Aylana, Orin and Colleen. I participated with them in many public events until the meetup group resolved and then I moved to Greensburg, KS. I knew that COS was formed but did not apply until I felt I could make the commitment to drive 2 hours one way 2 Saturdays a month and then submitted my application in June 2016. I then was accepted and became a Dedicant Yule of 2016. This summer, I have since moved to Wichita and continue my spiritual journey with COS. I love my Coven family and hope that you continue your journey wherever it may lead.
Follow your heart to follow your path!!
Krisgina Benjamin